Blog Archive

Saturday, May 4, 2024


 Building a Solomon Skink Habitat from Scratch

welcome to Lulu's palace

Watch how I built it here:

I think this banyan tree turned out really pretty! 

It's got a crossover tunnel and divider

cap built in, and a secret heat pad.

Short build sequence:

The sculpt tests:

Friday, February 2, 2024

Sara's Custom Catio Time- "Shadowookie & Holly"

 This might have been the cutest cat duo I've ever seen, 
but I also might be biased.

This was my first time working with Catnets, and I'm in LOVE. It is way easier to work with than hardware cloth (some people call it chicken wire), and way more affordable.

My parameters:

  • Older 50's mod apartment building with nonstandard sizes- few perfect right angles
  • No drilling anything at all- must be 100% removable= SO MANY ZIPTIES
  • Don't cut material to size where possible, so client can bring it with her if she moves
  • Tightly limited budget- I wanted to deliver exactly what I promised

There were only a handful of right angles on the patio. 50's Mod is so cool, but not so easy to MODify as you might think. 




Saturday, August 12, 2023

A Redesigned Newt Habitat!

 Newt and Improved

The one I was handed had many problems, including allowing the animals to hide under the fiberglass and not come out. so I redesigned. This one was made by Cemrock (at the cost of around $2,500 in 2015), using my design below.  

Much improved, n'est-ce pas?

Out with the old...

Paludarium Design: Turtles

 A Deamy Indoor Turtle Habitat

This paludarium draft design has not come to fruition..yet! 

At the time of design in 2022 it was estimated at around 36K.

Playing with divider designs- two species needing to inhabit together

The design for the two corner inserts

This is how the build turned out instead  

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Turtles R Us

Rebuilding a turtle tank

Watch as I (together with so many others) rebuild an entire tank that sprung a leak.

Sweet Dudley Basking right on the little tree conk I made for him. 
It's like he read my instruction manual!


Demolition and Build:

The "Insert" (The climbey part) Sculpt:


Sweet Beullah, zonked out and probably snoring at the same spot 

Sweet Dudley's Swim

The two large inserts are designed to allow both turtles to be on display while being divided. Water passes through, and the divider can be removed. The top area is for easy sliding into the water, and soil for laying eggs and humidity.

The floor plates (pebbles) are designed to have less rocks to clean and haul during major cleanouts, and make it easier to siphon out detritus for more regular cleanings. 

Watch as I make it!

Demolition and Build:

The "look" of the inserts came from another build that did not come to fruition when funding fell through

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Catio Inspo! (Please Save Wildlife)

You can protect wildlife and still enrich your cat. 
Let us be your Care Counselors. 

We love cats, and we love lizards and birds.
  • Can we help you prevent wildlife deaths in your yard?
  • Can we make a fun, safe environment for your cat, extend its lifespan and prevent diseases like feline leukemia and flea- borne typhus?
I have made tigers happy, so I can make your cats happy.

Outdoor domestic cats are a recognized threat to global biodiversity. Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species, including those at risk of extinction. An Australian study showed each feral cat kills 225 reptiles per year, this amounts to 1 million reptiles per day.

Outdoor cats live far shorter lives; they get injured or killed by cars, dog, coyotes and cruel humans, a large variety of diseases from endo and ectoparasites. You can look at any animal welfare organization on this topic, and they all agree: indoor is better. But it doesn't have to be boring!

What to do? Get a Care Counselor (like me!). We can provide indoor enrichment plans, and still get them outdoors safely. There are so MANY catio ideas out there. I can create an exotic, exciting magical cat run from scratch (harhar) or I can use online purchased kits, make them better, and install them for you with everything your cat's heart desires. I'm even glad to just come for a consult and share ideas. Your pick.

These. Are. Pawsome.


Want the Mercedes Model? Let me design, buy and build this fabulous one for ya based on your cats needs, and your yard setup.

HellaCool Catios at Hellas!
Check out the extensive gallery


Wanna customize and use local materials? Let's dream BIG. Watch and droooool.

Let's talk about discount sites. Yes, I can assemble a simple, cheap cage for ya. Let me be clear: these are cheap. But if it's all you can afford, it's better than nothing! I will help make it as secure/strong/functional as possible and provide enrichment to go with it.


My Catio Pinterest Page for more ideas:

More tips on indoor cat care and enrichment:

Monday, July 17, 2023

Tortoise Outdoor Inspo!

Cute Kenan Cabins!

DIY cleverness from Stephanie Kong

More CUUUUTE Etsy Builds. I can help you design your own, or spruce your build with a purchased one.

This craftsman at BC Fab makes beauuuutiful barns. We can do something very similar for local to So.Cal, or help integrate their shipped barns into your greater plan. 

This one from Petsgang on Etsy would be cute as a part of an indoor build for a smaller tortoise, or part of a yard fix-me-up.

Pools for tortoises??
Let's talk about creeks, ponds and pools. Yes, tortoises need them too! Tortoises need to soak regularly to flush out salts/urea or bladder stones can become a problem. Even desert tortoises! 

Kenan has the dreamiest creeks, pools and caves. This is a very simple concrete pool that can be hosed out daily or every other day with ease. 


This is designed to let Galapagos tortoises exercise! 
They need to climb!


This one would require some constant water flow, agitated water helps a lot! Tortoises often soak when there are downpour in their habitat. 


And the ultimate?? The most beautiful possibility? A creek or waterfall that is shallow for them. Kenan FTW once again!

Meet the team

Welcome to Digs! "We build habitats for zoo-manity" ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_ My name is Leslie and I am a seasoned, professional animal ke...